AELMHU, represented by its secretary and member, Beatriz Perales, has participated in the debate organized by the newspaper IM Médico on: 'Rare diseases: more refined diagnoses, more specific treatments'.
The event was moderated by Natalia García, editor of IM Médico and included two other speakers: Leyre Larzabal, head of clinical genetics at Dreamgenics, and Dr. Ramón García, hematologist and head of the molecular biology and HLA laboratory at the University Hospital of Salamanca and former president of the SEHH ,
During Beatriz's intervention, she was able to explain . Beatriz Perales, secretary and member of AELMHU, had the opportunity to explain what AELMHU is, the work done by the association and the strong commitment of all its members "to research, develop and market innovative therapies to improve the quality of life of patients suffering from rare and ultra-rare diseases". And on the other hand, to address the main access data published in the latest Annual Report on Access to Orphan Drugs 2022 and to comment, with the other speakers, on the current challenges in research, diagnosis, regulation and access to treatments that need to be addressed, collaboratively and as soon as possible, so that patients with a rare disease have an early diagnosis and rapid access to treatments.