The Association Conquistando Escalones has celebrated this Friday, October 27th at the Auditori Municipal de Vila-real the Congress "Vila-real for science and innovation: research as a cure for millions", also organized by the City Council of this town.
The day served as a loudspeaker for speakers to discuss topics such as clinical research in neuromuscular diseases, translational research, gene therapy, polymeric nanopharmaceuticals and access to orphan and ultra-orphan drugs.
On behalf of AELMHU, our director Marian Corral intervened to outline the main data and conclusions of the access report that the Association has been preparing for more than 7 years. With this, and from the firm conviction that we must find solutions through dialogue, commitment and the involvement of all parties involved, the association has been calling for years for a change in the way drugs are evaluated and in the way they are financed. A change in the process that allows for greater clarity and predictability in the process and allows patients early access to treatments without forgetting the sustainability of the NHS.
Among the speakers were personalities of recognized prestige in their fields of action such as José Alcamí(Instituto de Salud Carlos III), Juan Vílchez (IIS La Fe de València), Rubén Artero (Universitat de València), Javier Poyatos and Alicia Novella (IIS La Fe de València), María Jesús Vicent (Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe), Marian Corral (Asociación AELMHU) and Inés de la Riba (Sarepta Therapeutics). We have also had the company of exceptional non-healthcare professionals such as the athlete Álex Roca and the ex-football coach Juan Carlos Unzué. The opening of the scientific congress was attended by the councilor of Social Services of Vila-real, Toni Marín; and the delegate of the Consell in Castellón, Susana Fabregat, who accompanied the president of Conquistando Escalones at the opening of the event. Fabregat highlighted the Consell's commitment to "implement a paradigm shift" in public policies on health, "from imposition to listening to professionals and making civil and scientific society the protagonists".