Call for an active platform to address the problems of rare diseases in Andalusia

"The Orphan Drugs and Rare Diseases Foundation (MEHUER), the Spanish Rare Diseases Federation (FEDER) and the Spanish Association of Orphan and Ultra-Orphan Drug Laboratories (AELMHU) have called for the creation of an active and permanent platform on rare diseases - in the Andalusian Regional Government or in the Andalusian Parliament - that would continuously bring together all actors involved in the field of RDDs in order to reach effective solutions.
This was agreed today at the conference "Towards a common collaboration in the search for solutions in the field of RDDs in Andalusia" held in Seville with the aim of discussing what policies to implement at regional level to improve the problems of access and equity to treatments for rare diseases that could be faced by around 400,000 Andalusians in their lifetime*".
